[TYPES] SPIN 2005 Call for Papers

god at bell-labs.com god at bell-labs.com
Tue Feb 22 16:16:37 EST 2005

                     SPIN 2005  Call for Papers

   12th International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software
                August 22-24, 2005, San Francisco, USA
                    (Co-located with CONCUR 2005)

SPIN 2005 solicits previously unpublished, currently unsubmitted,
original contributions addressing theoretical, experimental and
applied problems in model checking of software artifacts. Particular
topics include:

* model-checking based tools, tool extensions and comparative studies 
* theoretical and algorithmic foundations of model-checking based analysis 
* combination of model-checking techniques with other analysis techniques 
* model checking of programming languages and code analysis 
* techniques for analyzing and testing large and infinite state systems 
* model checking in the system life-cycle 
* innovative applications of model checking, including 
   o model checking of object-oriented and component based systems 
   o model checking of security systems 
   o model checking of real-time systems 
* engineering of model-checking tools and platforms 
* convincing case studies which apply model-checking to real software systems 

Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, correctness,
and clarity. A submitted paper should clearly express the contribution
of the work, both in general and in technical terms. It is essential
to identify what was accomplished, describe the significance of the
work, and explain how the paper compares with, and improves upon,
previous work.

Although authors are encouraged to compare their work with existing
model checkers such as SPIN, the scope of the workshop is not limited
to topics directly related to the SPIN system.

We solicit submissions of two categories of papers: 

Full papers: submissions are limited to 15 pages, and should adhere to
Springer Verlag's LNCS format, preferably using LaTeX. The format of
the submissions should be either pdf or postscript. Authors who feel
it is absolutely necessary to include additional material may place it
in a well-marked appendix after page 15, but committee members are
under no obligation to review this material.

Tool presentations: SPIN 2005 solicits proposals for the demonstration
of tools pertinent to the technical objective of this
workshop. Proposals should be submitted as a summary of up to 5 pages
(using Springer Verlag's LNCS format) which will be included in the
workshop proceedings. The title of the summary should clearly indicate
that this is a tool demonstration summary. Longer tool-related
contributions should be submitted as full papers.

Accepted contributions will be included in the workshop proceedings
which will be published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series.
Important Dates

April 1, 2005           Submission deadline for Abstracts
April 8, 2005           Submission deadline for Papers
May 16, 2005            Notification of acceptance
June 13, 2005           Final version of papers due
August 22-24, 2005      SPIN 2005 in San Francisco

Invited Speakers:
Rajeev Alur        (University of Pennsylvania) 
Dawson Engler      (Stanford University) 
David Wagner       (UC Berkeley)

Invited Tutorials:
Modex/Feaver       by Gerard Holzmann and Theo Ruys 
BLAST              by Tom Henzinger, Ranjit Jhala and Rupak Majumdar 
Java PathFinder    by Willem Visser

SPIN 2005 web-site:

Program Chair: 
Patrice Godefroid  (Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies)
Program Committee:
George Avrunin     (U. Mass. Amherst, USA)
Dennis Dams        (Bell Labs, USA)
Stefan Edelkamp    (U. Dortmund, Germany)
Cormac Flanagan    (UC Santa Cruz, USA)
Jaco Geldenhuys    (Tampere U., Finland)
Patrice Godefroid  (Bell Labs, USA; chair)
Susanne Graf       (Verimag, France)
Gerard Holzmann    (NASA JPL, USA)
Sarfraz Khurshid   (UT Austin, USA)
Stefan Leue        (U. Konstanz, Germany)
Rupak Majumdar     (UCLA, USA)
Laurent Mounier    (Verimag, France)
Shaz Qadeer        (Microsoft, USA)
Theo Ruys          (U. Twente, the Netherlands)
Willem Visser      (NASA Ames, USA)
Pierre Wolper      (U. Liege, Belgium)
Advisory Committee:
Gerard Holzmann    (NASA JPL, USA; chair)
Amir Pnueli        (Weizmann Inst., Israel)
Steering Committee:
Thomas Ball        (Microsoft, USA)
Susanne Graf       (Verimag, France)
Stefan Leue        (U. Konstanz, Germany)
Moshe Vardi        (Rice U., USA)
Pierre Wolper      (U. Liege, Belgium; chair)

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