[TYPES] CLIMA VI :: First Call for Papers

clima VI <clima-vi at deis.unibo.it>
Tue Mar 1 17:27:38 EST 2005

[Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested colleagues and students]


                          Second Call for Papers

                                 CLIMA VI
Sixth International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems
              City University, London, UK, June 27-29, 2005

                         SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW OPEN


CLIMA  VI  is  the last in a series of international events on Multi-Agent
Systems  (MAS) and Computational Logic (CL). The previous events were held
in  Las  Cruces, NM (1999), under the name Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems
in Logic Programming, London, UK (2000) Paphos, Cyprus (2001), Copenhagen,
Denmark  (2002), Fort Lauderdale, FL, (2004), and Lisbon, Portugal (2004).
Selected  papers  from  previous  editions  have been published in special
issues  of  international  journals  like  ENTCS  vol. 70(5) and AMAI vol.
37(1-2)  and  vol.  42(1-3), and more recently in the Springer-Verlag LNAI
series (vol. 3259 and 3487).


MAS  are communities of problem-solving entities that can perceive and act
upon their environments to achieve their individual goals as well as joint
goals.  The work on such systems integrates many technologies and concepts
in  artificial  intelligence and other areas of computing as well as other

CL  provides  a well-defined, general, and rigorous framework for studying
syntax,  semantics  and  procedures  for individual agents and multi-agent
systems,   for   attending   implementations,   environments,  tools,  and
standards,  and  for  linking  together  specification and verification of

In particular, the purposes of this CLIMA are:

 (1)   to  present  state-of-the-art  research,  based  on  CL,  aimed  at
     representing,  programming  and  reasoning  about agents and MAS in a
     formal way,
 (2)  to  further promote CL in MAS and disseminate recent advances in the
     area to researchers and students, and
 (3)  to  discuss  and  confront techniques and approaches to CL/MAS-based
     problem   modelling   and   solving  in  an  informal  and  inspiring

To  this  end,  the  organization of CLIMA VI will provide scholarships to
students  who  wish  to  attend,  and  will offer a number of tutorials on
several  aspects  of CL-based MAS modelling and programming. CLIMA VI will
also  host  the First CLIMA Competition, organized by Jürgen Dix and Mehdi


Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
 - logical foundations of multi-agent systems
 - knowledge and belief representation and updates
 - hypothetical reasoning and learning
 - extensions of logic programming for multi-agent systems
 - non-monotonic reasoning in multi-agent systems
 - argumentation for agent reasoning and interaction
 - operational semantics and execution agent models
 - model checking algorithms, tools, and applications
 - semantics of interaction and communication languages
 - distributed constraint satisfaction in multi-agent systems
 - temporal reasoning for multi-agent systems
 - modal logic approaches to multi-agent systems
 - logic-based programming languages
 - distributed theorem proving for multi-agent systems
 - logic-based implementations of multi-agent systems
 - decision theory for multi-agent systems
 - specification and verification of formal properties


We  welcome and encourage the submission of high quality, original papers,
which are not simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.

Papers should clearly state the relevance of the presented work to both CL
and MAS research. Major acceptance criteria will be novelty, significance,
and technical soundness.

Papers  should  be written in English, formatted according to the Springer
LNCS style, and not exceed 16 pages including figures, references, etc.


 * Submission: April 7, 2005
 * Notification: May 6, 2005
 * Camera-Ready: May 27, 2005
 * CLIMA VI: June 27-29, 2005

Details  and  deadlines regarding competition and scholarship applications
will become available from the CLIMA VI web site.


Post-proceedings  of  the  workshop  are likely to be published within the
Springer-Verlag LNAI series. A printed volume with the proceedings will be
available at the workshop.


Workshop Chairs
 Francesca Toni, Imperial College London, UK
 Paolo Torroni, University of Bologna, Italy

Competition Chairs
 Jürgen Dix, Technical University of Clausthal, Germany
 Mehdi Dastani, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Local Organisation Chair
 Kostas Stathis, City University London, UK


 José Júlio Alfers, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
 Rafael H. Bordini, University of Durham, UK
 Gerhard Brewka, University of Leipzig, Germany
 Jürgen Dix, Technical University of Clausthal, Germany
 Thomas Eiter, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
 Klaus Fischer, DFKI, Germany
 Michael Fisher, The University of Liverpool, UK
 James Harland, RMIT, Australia
 Katsumi Inoue, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
 Antonis Kakas, University of Cyprus
 Evelina Lamma, University of Ferrara, Italy
 João Leite, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
 Paolo Mancarella, University of Pisa, Italy
 Paola Mello, University of Bologna, Italy
 John Jules Ch. Meyer, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
 Leora Morgenstern, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
 Wojciech Penczek, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
 Jeremy Pitt, Imperial College London, UK
 Enrico Pontelli, New Mexico State University, USA
 Fariba Sadri, Imperial College London, UK
 Ken Satoh, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
 Renate Schmidt, University of Manchester, UK
 Trao Can Son, New Mexico State University, USA
 Kostas Stathis, City University London, UK
 Wiebe van der Hoek, The University of Liverpool, UK
 Cees Witteveen, Delft Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands

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