[TYPES] CfP: The 5th OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling

Jonathan Sprinkle sprinkle at EECS.Berkeley.Edu
Tue Jun 14 14:52:45 EDT 2005

                      C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S
             The 5th OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling
                              October 17, 2005
                          San Diego, California, USA
Call for Position Papers:
Domain-Specific Modeling raises the level of abstraction beyond programming
by specifying the solution directly using domain concepts. In many cases, 
final products can be automatically generated from these high-level 
pecifications. This automation is possible because both the language and 
enerators need fit the requirements of only one company and domain.  
Industrial experiences of DSM consistently show it to be 5-10 times faster 
than current practices, including current UML-based implementations of MDA. 
As Booch et al. say* "the full value of MDA is only achieved when the 
modeling concepts map directly to domain concepts rather than computer 
technology concepts." For example, DSM for cell phone software would have 
concepts like "Soft key button", "SMS" and "Ring tone", and generators to 
create calls to corresponding code components.  
More investigation is still needed in order to advance the acceptance and 
viability of domain-specific modeling. This workshop welcomes position 
papers describing new ideas at either a practical or theoretical level. 
On the practical side, we are interested in submissions dealing with 
application of modeling techniques within a specific domain. In addition 
to industrial projects, we seek initial descriptions of research ideas that 
initiate and forward the technical underpinnings of domain-specific 
modeling. In particular, the importance of metamodeling is highlighted in 
this workshop. Metamodeling significantly eases the implementation of 
domain-specific languages and provides support for experimenting with the 
modeling language as it is built (thus, metamodel-based language definition 
also assists in the task of constructing generators that reduce the burden 
of tool creation and maintenance).
Some suggested topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
  - Tools for supporting domain-specific modeling (DSM)
  - Metamodeling frameworks and languages
  - Comparison and analysis of model-driven development approaches
  - Principles for identifying constructs for DSM languages 
  - Industry/academic experience reports describing success/failure in 
    using domain-specific modeling 
  - Novel approaches for code generation from domain-specific models
  - Approaches to implement domain-specific modeling languages
  - Issues of support/maintenance of models and evolution of DSM 
    language in accordance with the representative domain
  - Version control techniques for DSMs
  - Specific domains where this technology can be most productive in 
    the future (e.g., embedded systems, product family domains or 
    systems with multiple implementation platforms) 
  - Techniques for supporting model interchange between tools
  - Relationships between ontologies and metamodels
Important Dates:
Initial submission:   August 1, 2005
Author Notification:  (1 week prior to Early Registration deadline)
Final version:        October 1, 2005
Workshop:             October 17, 2005
Submission Information:
Admission to the workshop will be extended to those who have submitted a 
relevant position paper. Each position paper will be reviewed by the 
Program Committee and invitations to attend the workshop will then be 
issued based upon the evaluation of the position paper.
Position papers should be approximately 4 to 8 pages and should be 
submitted by August 1, 2005. Contributions should be sent as a PDF or 
Word file via email to jpt at metacase.com. Notification of acceptance will 
be sent 1 week prior to the Early Registration deadline, based on the 
evaluation of the contribution by members of the program committee.
The accepted papers will be published in the printed proceedings and posted 
n the workshop web site. 
Additional Information:
Additional information about the workshop is available at the workshop 
web site, including the anticipated workshop format, the pre/post 
workshop activities, and links to the previous DSM workshops at OOPSLA. 
The web page is at:
Program Committee:
Pierre America, Philips
Philip T. Cox, Dalhousie University
Krzysztof Czarnecki, University of Waterloo
Andy Evans, Xactium 
Jeff Gray, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Jack Greenfield, Microsoft
Steven Kelly, MetaCase
Jürgen Kerstna, St. Jude Medical
Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University
Pentti Marttiin, Nokia
Birger Møller-Pedersen, University of Oslo
David Oglesby, Honeywell
Matti Rossi, Helsinki School of Economics
Jonathan Sprinkle, University of California, Berkeley
Juha-Pekka Tolvanen, MetaCase
Organizing Committee:
Juha-Pekka Tolvanen, MetaCase
Jonathan Sprinkle, University of California, Berkeley
Matti Rossi, Helsinki School of Economics
*) Grady Booch, Alan Brown, Sridhar Iyengar, Jim Rumbaugh, Bran Selic, 
DA Journal, May 2004
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