[TYPES] Workshop on Logic programming and concurrency

Lutz Strassburger lutz at ps.uni-sb.de
Tue Oct 11 11:02:20 EDT 2005

      ----    Call for participation and preregistration    ----

 			     Workshop on
 		  Logic programming and concurrency
 			as part of GEOCAL'06

 	    Marseille, France, 27 February - 3 March 2006

Logic programming, in the sense of proof search in sequent calculus,
has been used to describe the operational semantics of concurrent
computational systems in at least two distinct fashions.

In the process-as-term approach, process combinators and relations
between them (one-step, bisimulation, etc), are encoded as non-logical
primitives, whose axiomatization is provided by structured operational
semantics (SOS). Here, classical and intuitionistic logics are
generally used in such axiomatizations. Recent challenges in this
setting have been capturing both may and must properties of processes,
uncovering declarative approaches to link mobility, and exploiting
evident connections to model checking and game semantics.

In the process-as-formula approach, process combinators are encoded
directly as logical connective and the operational semantics of
processes is provided directly by an underlying logic, such as linear
logic. Such encodings have been most successfully employed to date
with asynchronous process calculi. Recent challenges here have been
finding ways to exploit the meta-theory of linear logic to provide
results about processes and declarative approaches to sequentiality
and security protocols.

This workshop will focus on examining various connections between
operational semantics and the proof search paradigm, whether or not
that connection falls neatly into the approaches mentioned above.

Researchers and students who wish to speak at this workshop can
propose a title and a short abstract via the Geocal06 web page for
preregistration.  Deadline for making proposals for talks is
30 October 2005.

  Dale Miller, INRIA-Futurs and LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, France
  Lutz Strassburger, Saarland University, Germany & INRIA-Futurs, France

The call for the full Geocal06 meeting is listed below.


 	       GEOMETRY OF COMPUTATION 2006 (Geocal06)

 		  Monday January 30 - Friday March 3
 		  CIRM(1), Luminy, Marseille, France


 		       Sunday October 30th 2005

The session is organised by the GEOCAL(2) project and intends to
gather researchers interested in various topics of theoretical
computer science including logic, realisability, algorithmic
complexity, semantics of programming languages, algebraic methods for
concurrency, probabilistic transition systems, modelisation of
biological networks...

The session will consist of a series of events: 4 winter school
lectures during the first 2 weeks followed by 9 thematic workshops.  A
detailed description including a provisional programme and the
preregistration form are available on the Geocal06 home page(3).

Participants will lodge at the CIRM(1). There is no registration fee
but the CIRM will charge about 65 euros a day for a full board stay. A
number of fundings for students will be available as well.

If you would like to participate to one ore more events, please fill
in the form before October 30th.  Note that there is a large but
finite number of places at the CIRM; in case we have too many
preregistrations for the same period, late ones will be canceled.

Thomas Ehrhard and Laurent Regnier
Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy

(1) http://www.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/
(2) http://iml.univ-mrs.fr/~ehrhard/geocal/
(3) http://iml.univ-mrs.fr/geocal06/

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