[TYPES] R: ETAPS bars Russian researchers from attending

Apostolos Syropoulos ijdt.editor at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 15:20:27 EST 2022

Hi people,

I would like to make a comment that is closely related to this ongoing
Turkey is another country that has invaded a third country, namely Cyprus,
but I
haven't noticed a similar sensitivity against Turkey. Just for your
information, Turkey
invaded and still occupies 35% of the island in 1974. Their excuse was the
one used
by Russia: To protect people that they considered their own people. In
we should not forget that Erdogan is Turkey's Putin: He jails people with
no excuse, he
has invaded to Syria, he oppresses Kurds [speaking the Kurdish language is
and giving the name Yoldaş (comrade in Turkish but a common Kurdish name)
to a kid
is like a crime...], he censors everyone and yet most "scientists" find all
these quite
 reasonable! This is the apotheosis of hypocrisy!


Apostolos Syropoulos

Apostolos Syropoulos
Xanthi, GREECE
Web-page at https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://asyropoulos.eu__;!!IBzWLUs!DG-S4rbDUXjibVz8Wzwqk3vww2LGc92SdWQSfAJj6hXrMxkxskP3_y4bRYKqLmMuAa1KrMxLUOU$ 
Blogs at https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://asyropoulos.wordpress.com/__;!!IBzWLUs!DG-S4rbDUXjibVz8Wzwqk3vww2LGc92SdWQSfAJj6hXrMxkxskP3_y4bRYKqLmMuAa1K13gLv9w$ 

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